
September is one of the most active months of the year in terms of wildlife, with it being a key month for all of nature. Birds migrate to sunnier climates with temperatures slowly dropping after the hot(tish) British summer, and smaller hibernating animals start the process of fattening up for the winter. Adult insect numbers decline with adults of a lot of insects dying to leave the pupae to grow for their emergence next year. You may spot litters of hedgehogs this month, but be sure NOT to feed them milk or bread, but a pet food with meat chunks which is a much more suitable alternative.
In the plant world fungi start to show in woodlands and deciduous trees start to shed leaves, plants die back to their storage roots and chestnut trees start dropping their load of conkers, resulting in many games of conkers in school play areas around the country.
If you have a vegetable patch, this is the month to start planting broad beans and hardy peas ready for next year, as well as spinach and winter lettuces. Harvest apples, pears and plums, wrapping them individually in newspaper to store. You can take hardwood cuttings from fruit bushes to increase yield as clear any empty crops.
Playsound offer a full range of products that can enhance the chances of spotting wildlife in your garden. Our bird table is a must, and selections of bug boxes are sure to house some miniature friends. Planting a good selection of greenery will attract fauna to your outdoor space. Our bespoke planters can be made to suit any space too.
Whether it’s a public park, a school playground or a garden, there is a hive of activity taking place this month so keep watching.

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